Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eckhart Tolle and Fine&Raw : The Power of Chocolate is Now

Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now teaches us that the magic of life is in being present, and this is our philosophy at Fine&Raw . We invite you to celebrate life right now by enjoying your raw chocolate. Here are 7 simple tips how to get the most from your chocolate's taste and texture in every bite:

1. Store your chocolate well

Keep it in a cool, dry place, like the cupboard or cabinet.

2. Don't keep it in your pocket for long

Raw chocolate will melt sooner than processed chocolate because it doesn't have any additives.

3. It's okay to use the fridge

If you do keep it in the fridge, my advice is to take it out and wait about 20 minutes to let it warm up to room temperature. This will allow much of its flavor to come out. That's particularly true with dark chocolate. I like to keep mine in the fridge because I like the anticipation. It adds to the fun and flare of the experience. And who doesn't like a little fun?

4. Eat it cold if that strikes your fancy

Some people prefer to eat their chocolate cold. I'm one of them when it comes to truffles or Fine&Raw bon bons - our version of a raw truffle. But if you do like your chocolate on the chilly side, there's something else you should keep in mind.

5. Don't use the freezer

Chocolate doesn't keep well in the freezer. It makes it rock solid , and that means a longer wait before the pleasure of it melting in your mouth.

And there's another reason. As your chocolatier, I don't want your chocolate to bloom. That's the term we use in the chocolate industry when it gets too cold , and a white coating develops on top. I'd much rather you enjoy a beautiful looking piece of chocolate with its natural shiny appeal. When we produce Fine&Raw classic bars and bon bons, we work with the chocolate crystals to show cacao's natural beauty.

6. Don't let time pass you by

Chocolate stays fresher in the fridge. Truffles and bon bons last about 3 months and bars last about 6. That gives you plenty of time , but I encourage you to enjoy life now. Why wait for a good thing?

7. Eat as much chocolate as you want ... but be moderate

If you have any other questions about storage or raw chocolate, Fine&Raw is just one click away. At the bottom of each post, a neat little box pop ups when you click on the word comments. We appreciate hearing from you. We're a community, and community is built one person at a time - one opinion at a time.

Possibilities and cacao,


  1. Ummmmm! My mouth is watering Daniel. Great photographs. When will your chocolate be available in the UK!

  2. Thanks, hillside hall. It's nice to hear from raw chocolate eaters in the UK! We're still a young company so we haven't tapped into overseas markets yet, but we'll keep this in mind as we keep growing. Hope you'll visit the states soon and have a chance to try our bon bons or bars. We'd love to meet you.
