Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fine&Raw: organic raw chocolate during a recession?

As owner of Fine&Raw, I'm often asked how raw chocolate fairs during a recession. Do people still buy hand - crafted chocolates? Or do they choose Hershey's instead?

It really depends on the type of customer. For many people , this isn't the time to indulge - even if they've been coveting $ 200 sneakers , or a gourmet food. But for others, retail therapy is a viable option. This kind of customer wants to do something small for themselves. They want a little lift, and a Fine&Raw chocolate bar or a little box of bon bons does the trick. It's still cheaper than a cruise to the Caribbean.

Healthy eaters stay loyal to their lifestyle practices - even during tough economic times - and that includes raw food and raw chocolate. They weigh the cost of eating raw chocolate, with its absence of sugar, dairy, pesticides and additives, against the cost of eating cheap chocolate, cheap food and not feeling well. People have become much more savvy about the relationship between their health and the quality of their food, and it affects how they shop.

I'll be talking more about raw chocolate and its health benefits as a Superfood in an upcoming post.


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